How To Have Fun While Collecting Cash

•Articles in organizational newsletter
•Baby picture contest (donate money for a guess)
•Balloons w/prizes inside – buy a balloon to win a prize
•Bartering tool- donate money to gain entrance to an event or favorite break spot
•Carnival- dunk tank, go fish, etc., donate cash to participate
•Car Wash
•Casino/Poker Night- prizes donated- charge money for food item or chips
•Company matches employee contribution
•Days off (team generating most cash gets a day off)
•Decorate collection containers
•Departments challenge each other on who can collect the most
•Donate coffee money
•Dress down day, donate cash to “dress down”
•Employees donate craft items for silent auction
•Employee donated garage sale
•External challenge to another organization or company
•In house bake sale
•Invite one of the six agencies to speak to your employees
•Invite non-involved group to participate
•Jellybean count contest (donate money to guess)
•Letters to employees homes (great for large businesses)
•Lottery for privileged parking space (donate cash for a chance to win)
•Macaroni count contest (donate cash to guess)
•Mow lawns/wash windows for cash to donate
•Pie in face- (donate cash to throw the pie)
•Pizza lunch for department that collects the most cash
•Post signs in work areas “4 more days for Project Salina”, etc.
•Provide kickoff meal on May 1 for your own business
•Provide drawings/awards/raffles (donate cash for chance to win)
•Roving plaque for department that raises the most cash
•Scavenger hunt-raffle for donated items
•Set a goal for the organization, team or department
•Team certificates as a weekly award
•Team competitions
•Victory dinner for the team that collects the most cash
•Visible signs of progress, daily count of cash collected
•Visit one of the six agencies to see where Project Salina impacts
•Water gun option- “Squirt the boss” (donate cash to soak the boss)
•Weekly prize drawings- donate money for a ticket
•”What’s For Lunch” promotion- donate lunch’s value to food purchase
•White elephant auction
•Winning team gets a potluck dinner provided by the losing team

If you have an idea on how to encourage collecting, please send an email to and we will add it to the list.