Why We Prefer Cash Donations
Cash and Checks Are Accepted Year Round (make checks out to Project Salina and send to PO Box 2861, Salina KS 67402-2861).
In 2020, Project Salina board members found a better way to help these agencies. They switched to cash donations, so the agencies can get more specific help with their food needs, any time they need it. When an agency is running low on food, they tell us what they need and we buy it for them. This also gives the agencies the option of purchasing fresh and perishable items, ensuring that their clients receive nutritious and high-quality food. In times of crisis or sudden increases in demand, having funds readily available can be crucial for quick response.
Damaged products can not be used and have to be thrown away.
•Project Salina, with its tax-exempt status, maximizes the impact of your dollar by buying food in bulk.
•Monetary donations allows us to adapt to the changing needs of agencies throughout the year, ensuring a steady supply of food all year.
•Year-round purchasing allows us to be mindful of expiration dates, guaranteeing that all food is put to use.
•Cash allows the agencies to buy perishable foods, enhancing the nutritional options available to their clients.
•Opting for cash donations over food eliminates the necessity for warehouse storage and reduces
reliance on volunteers.
•Donated food undergoes three transportation stages before reaching agencies, and packaging damage often renders it unfit for use. Additionally, donated food is susceptible to contact with bugs and rodents while being stored in the warehouse.
•Agencies have limited space to store food and causes issues when the large amount of product arrives in May.
Please make sure that all checks are made out to Project Salina.
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